John is never happier than when observing and depicting the natural world around him. A lifelong interest in wildlife has fuelled his imagination which, together with a talent for drawing, has enabled him to create artwork with insight and genuine knowledge. He counts himself fortunate to live in rural Lancashire with subjects all around, with sheep in the fields, grouse on the fells as well as waders and wildfowl along the coast and marshes.

John has recently developed a passion for creating  prints from linocuts using his  Albion Press. Built in 1884, it weighs in at a hefty 1.2 tonnes and is housed in his studio which is a former farm building renovated over ten years ago

The studio is open annually as part of the Lunesdale Studio Art Trail

As well as being represented by several galleries, John exhibits elsewhere including at the Society of Wildlife Artists where he is now a Full Member.

Hopkinson and Cope Albion Press 1884
Hopkinson and Cope Albion Press 1884